Here you find some recommended accommodation. Of course you can choose any other accomodation according to your preferences. Reservation, booking and payment has to be organized individually.
Cost of Living in Venice
To spend one or more weeks in Venice working on art is one of the most fundamental experiences in life. The main obstacles are the high prices of living in Venice. There are possibilities of living in Venice also on a low budget and we will give you some examples: the Palazzo Zenobio offers very cheap accommodation when sharing the room with other participants of the Summer Academy. These rooms are at the fourth floor and have no private bath. You can find accommodation there for 25€ per night. If you want a single bed room with bath you should choose from the other places we recommend, starting with 50€ per night.
Cheap meals can be found in small restaurants we will recommend you offering a full meal with drinks included for 12€, not far from the Palazzo Zenobio. There is a very cheap canteen near the railway station offering complete meals for only 6€. If you stick to these principles you can manage a living of less than 300€ per week including everything.