Internationale Sommerakademie für Bildende Künste und Medien | Venedig

Future Archaeology

  • Renzhina, Anna



    taming the Day eamons

    Preface of artworks:

    Demons do not always take the form of fears or inner
    Sometimes even our most positive feelings play a terrible game with us.

    When you feel an infinite confidence in the future, an immense love for everything around you, you are faced with a contradiction inside.
    With objectively occurring events in the world, you understand everything and continue to feel great.

    The demon sounds in love, in all-encompassing kindness and in the need of sharing.
    It feels like it is testing you on purpose.

    Of the strength, of the reality of your confidence, of the undermining of faith.

    Not always the demon is clothed in fear and anger, sometimes it looks and really feels like love, like kindness, like spiritual generosity.

    «Let’s play the main game.
    It’s time to check what is real».

    A series of works clothe the demons and tame them in images of light, shapes and lines.



    Artist Name: Anna Renzhina
    Art Discipline: Painting, Choreography, Performance
    Nationality: Russian
    Instagram: @aarenzhina
    Title: taming the Day eamons
    Master class: Art&Performamce with Jay Pather, July 2019
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  • Perolo, Maria Pia

    maria pia perolo demons


    Archeologia futura, Future Archaeology.





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